CS 343: Computer & Information Security — Fall 2020
Instructor: Professor Stephen Checkoway stephen.checkoway@oberlin.edu
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 14:30–15:20
Exam 1: Friday, October 30
Exam 2: TBA
Office Hours: Monday, Thursday. 16:00–17:00, or by appointment, via Zoom
Course Links
Course Description
This course is an introduction to computer security. It will cover a variety of topics with special emphasis on software vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, and mitigation measures. It is designed as a projects-based course where you will get hands-on experience with the topics covered in the course.
Your course grade will be determined by class participation, projects and two exams, equally weighted. There are no other assignments. See the schedule for dates.
- 10% Class participation
- 70% Projects
- 20% Exams
Programming Projects
The programming projects are meant as a way to get hands-on experience with computer security concepts. You will find that there is quite a difference between conceptually understanding how to exploit a given vulnerability and actually producing a working exploit.
The programming projects are designed to be done in groups of 2. (Working alone is allowed, but discouraged.) Each project will have both programming and writing components. Both group members are expected to participate fully in both the programming and writing.
You are encouraged to work with different people on each project, but group forming is completely up to you. If you’re having trouble finding a group, I suggest you use the Piazza forum to find one.
Course Materials
Required Texts
There are no required textbooks.
Here are some resources you may find helpful while working on the projects.
- Intel 64 and IA-32 Architecture Software Developer Manuals. These manuals tell you everything you’ll want to know about how modern Intel x86 processors work. In particular, you’re probably going to want Volumes 2A, 2B, and 2C: Instruction Set Reference.
- X86 Opcode and Instruction Reference. This page gives a handy way to look up each x86 instruction by opcode.
- ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition. ARM manual for the processor we’ll be looking at. It requires registering to download (or a quick Google search).
- ARM and Thumb-2 Instruction Set Quick Reference Card
Course Policies
Students are expected to enter this course with a basic knowledge of systems programming, data structures, and programming in C and (very basic) C++. Some knowledge of assembly and compilers will be helpful, but the relevant information will be covered in the course or in provided references.
COVID-19 Policy
This policy supersedes all of the other policies (except for any policies mandated by the College).
No one wants to be dealing with the pandemic at the same time as we try to do everything that’s required of us. We should all recognize just how hard this situation is for everyone. If you need any accommodation from me, just let me know. In particular, if you need additional time on any assignments or exams, just let me know, in advance, if at all possible.
You are never required to tell me about any health issues, including if you have COVID-19. You are welcome to talk to me about anything you’d like. I may not have answers to questions, but I can probably point you in right direction.
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is not mandatory; however, research indicates that students who attend class are more likely to be successful. You are strongly encouraged to attend every class. Lectures are not recorded and there are no slides. If you are unable to attend class, you should consider asking a classmate to take notes for you.
Missed or Late Work Policy
Projects are due by 23:59 on the day specified on each project page. You have 3 late days that you can use throughout the semester. Each day that a project is late decreases the number of late days you and your partner have left. If you run out of late days, projects turned in late will receive a score of 0. There will be no exceptions to this policy without prior approval from Prof. Checkoway.
Electronic Communication Policy
All electronic communication with course staff should take place on Piazza unless emails are specifically requested by the staff. Course staff may, from time to time, respond to emails, but a response to one email does not guarantee a response to a second. Use Piazza!
Collaboration Policy
You are allowed, and encouraged, to work in groups of size two on all projects. You are free to have different groups for different projects. You are not allowed to work with anyone outside your group. Doing so is academic misconduct.
Academic Integrity Policy
You must adhere to the Oberlin College Academic Integrity Policy. Please familiarize yourself with the Honor Code.
Religious Holiday Observance Policy
Students wishing to be excused from class in order to observe religious holidays must follow the Oberlin College Religious Holiday Observance Policy.