Lecture 19 – Mar 30th, 2020


  1. Log in to clyde.
  2. $ cp -r ~steve/ex/linkedlist .


  1. Look at list.h to get a sense of the functions and data types. Run $ make check.
  2. Implement list_prepend and check that test_prepend passes.
  3. Implement list_insert and check that test_insert passes.
  4. Implement list_remove_first and check that test_remove_first passes.
  5. Implement list_remove_last and check that test_remove_last passes.
  6. Write a new test program, test_remove, to test list_remove (you’ll probably want to based it on the test_insert program).
  7. Implement list_remove and check that your test passes.
  8. Write a new test program, test_reverse, to test list_reverse.
  9. Implement list_reverse and check that your test passes.