Lecture 34 – Dec 4th, 2019


  1. Log in to clyde.


  1. Go to https://github.com/systems-programming/hello and fork the repository.
  2. Pick one of the changes below (or anything else you desire), and you’re going to implement the change and create a pull request for it in subsequent steps. Change ideas:
    • Add a Makefile that will build the program.
    • Use getenv(3) to get the USER variable and use that to customize the message.
    • Exit with the EXIT_SUCCESS value defined in stdlib.h rather than just 0.
    • Write a goodbye program.
    • Write some other simple program.
    • Add an image to the README.md
    • Add a .travis.yml file to make sure the program builds when changes are committed.
    • Make any other changes you desire.
  3. Once you have a change in mind, pick a short name that is reflective of that change and create and checkout a new branch.
    $ git checkout -b my-feature

    (Pick a better name than my-feature!)

  4. Implement your change and commit your change.
  5. Push your change to Github.
    $ git push -u origin my-feature
  6. You should get a message about visiting a URL to submit a pull request. Go to the URL and submit the pull request.
  7. Modify the pull request by making another commit and pushing again. (Assume you got asked to make a change to what you committed.)
  8. Squash your changes using
    $ git rebase -i master

    This should open your editor. You’ll want to pick the top-most commit and squash the others. Save the file and exit the editor. Push them to Github.

  9. Check out your pull request (and others) by going to https://github.com/systems-programming/hello/pulls. Feel free to leave comments on other people’s pull requests.
  10. If your PR is accepted, fetch from upstream (you’ll need to add that first) and delete your branches.
    $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/systems-programming/hello.git
    $ git fetch upstream master:master
    $ git branch -d my-feature # you may need -D instead of -d
    $ git push origin -d my-feature # or delete from the web interface

    If your PR needs to be modified to handle upstream changes, fetch from upstream, rebase, fix any conflicts, and push.

    $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/systems-programming/hello.git
    $ git fetch upstream master:master
    $ git rebase master
    $ git push

    If there were conflicts after the rebase, you’ll need to fix them, run $ git add on the file with conflicts and then $ git rebase --continue.