Lab 3: MIPS Fibs

Due: Sunday, October 6 at 23:59

Your task is to write a program which computes an initial portion of a generalized Fibonacci sequence and prints it out. You will write this program in MIPS using the MARS simulator.


Click on the assignment link.

Once you have accepted the assignment, you can clone the repository on your computer by following the instruction and begin working.

Be sure to ask any questions on Ed.

Program specification

No starter code is provided this time. Create a file in MARS called lab3.asm and create your program there. You may wish to look at your code for Lab 1 for reference.


Read three input values from the keyboard:

  1. the first number in the sequence,
  2. the second number in the sequence, and
  3. the number of elements of the sequence.

Each element of the sequence (beyond the first two) is equal to the sum of the previous two. For example, if the user inputs 3, 1, and 10, then your program should generate the sequence 3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 23, 37, 60, 97.


For each element of the sequence that you generate, display

For the example above, you would display the following.

3 0x00000003 2
1 0x00000001 1
4 0x00000004 1
5 0x00000005 2
9 0x00000009 2
14 0x0000000E 3
23 0x00000017 4
37 0x00000025 3
60 0x0000003C 4
97 0x00000061 3

The hex version can be displayed using system call 34.


To get full credit for this assignment, you will need to create a function to count the number of ones in a number. You should use proper calling conventions as discussed in class. You will also need to use a loop to generate the generalized Fibonacci numbers.

You will not need to use either arrays or recursion for this problem. You are required to write a separate function which counts the number of ones in a number. (Hint: Think about using bit operations to isolate each bit in the number, and add them together.)

Make sure to document your programs thoroughly. (This is especially important in assembly language programs, since the code itself is less easily read than high-level language code.) This should include:


Helpful resources


Submit the lab by committing your code and pushing it to your GitHub repository.